Accelerating the development of desired traits for crop improvement, adding value through IP protection, and finding and validating beneficial genes.
Small changes in genes and genomes can importantly determine the specific functioning and expression of plant genes and their various components. Small changes can thus powerfully influence plant traits and potentially improve the plant breeding process.
KeyGene uses various technologies to induce random or targeted variation in plant DNA in order to influence desired plant traits. Working with partners from industry and academia, we design and develop crop-specific induced variation programs and platforms that push traits and performance to new levels, with the goal of improving crops.
Technology innovation
KeyGene is continuously developing new proprietary innovations in variation induction and cell & tissue technology. That includes using our CropPedia data integration and visualization package to better understand and incorporate the information that is generated so our partners get maximum benefit from our crop improvement programs.
An example of KeyGene's contribution to discovering & designing traits

Genome editing successfully used to induce chicory plants to accumulate important medical compound
KeyGene, Wageningen University & Research, and Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry in Germany, have induced desired variation in chicory for plants that accumulate costunolide, an anti cancer plant metabolite.