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20 June 2024

KeyGene: 35 years of technology innovation for crop improvement

7 Interviews with stakeholders, celebrating KeyGene's 35th anniversary

20 June 2024

“We share the fundamental knowledge that KeyGene generates”

KeyGene 35 years: reflections by our shareholders: Enza Zaden, Rijk Zwaan, Limagrain Vegetable Seeds and Takii

20 June 2024

“Lateral thinking is in our DNA”

KeyGene 35 years: interview with Roeland van Ham, CEO of KeyGene

20 June 2024

“KeyGene helps us to quickly address the consumers’ needs”

KeyGene 35 years: an interview with Lora Kilgore-Norquest, Ingredion

20 June 2024

“A realistic view on a shared labor of love”

KeyGene 35 years: an interview with Chis Winefield, Lincoln University, New Zealand

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